
Outdoor Fitness

Our solutions

Creating Spaces for Active Life

Orbital Power Equipment Series

The appearance design of the mechanical concept ful of fashion sense, focusing on the requirements of aesthetic color matching and product proportion, simple and atmospheric, more professional than traditional fitness equipment in function, can fully exercise the muscles of the whole body, enhance the strength of the upper limbs, chest and shoulder back muscles, improve the flexibility and stability of shoulder and elbow joints, enhance cardiopulmonary function and lower limb and waist muscle strength; Improves lower mil b flexibility and coordi- nation. Exercisers of different ages, genders and physiques exercise scientifically and reasonably, which can achieve the fitness effect of indoor gyms..

Product NameAge(yers)Total HeightDrop HeightMinimum SpaceSafety Zone
Back muscle trainer15-64100cm/80x80cm390x380cm
Rowing trainer15-64Accord/120×106cm430×410cm
Bicep muscle trainer15-64100cm/110x75cm420x380cm
Squat trainer15-64141cm215cm145×91cm450x400cm
Back muscle trainer15-6485cm/180x120cm390x380cm

Eldely Wellness Fitness Series

According to the rehabilitation needs of the disabled, outdoor fitness equipment for different parts of exercise is designed flexibly and flexibly to help improve the ability of the disabled to participate in social life.

Product NameAge(yers)Total HeightDrop HeightMinimum SpaceSafety Zone
Leg lift trainer14+235cm/69x88cm369x388cm
Pul up pendulum equipment14+112cm/94x44cm394x344cm
Pul up the pendulum14+125cm/90x68cm391x368cm
Leg lift trainer14+205cm159cm157x84cm457x384cm
Handicap power push and pul down chalenger combination14+220cm147cm223x84cm523x384cm
Bgi Turning Weel14+245cm/181x45cm481x345cm
Hand turning arm strength training equipment14+112cm/105x50cm405x350cm

Double-Sided Luxury Fitness Path Equipment Series

Product NameAge(yers)Total HeightDrop HeightMinimum SpaceSafety Zone
Twin elegant healther walker14+197cm65cm192x83cm592x383cm
Twin elegant sky stepper14+197cm40cm348x58cm648x358cm
Twin elegant pendulum trainer14+125cm20cm199x98cm499x398cm
Twin elegant arm extension14+237cm140cm145x88cm445x388cm
Twin elegant waist twister14+197cm25cm164x58cm464x358cm
Twin elegant tai chi wheel14+197cm147cm176x140cm476 x440cm
Product NameAge(yers)Total HeightDrop HeightMinimum SpaceSafety Zone
Twin elegant pushing-lifting trainer14+197cm50cm242x148cm542x448cm
Twin elegant abdominal trainer14+197cm47cm208x172cm508x472cm
Twin elegant bicycle14+197cm71cm247x58cm547x358cm
Twin elegant squat pushing14+197cm95cm275x63cm575x365cm
Twin elegant seesaw14+197cm73cm211×210cm511x510cm
Twin elegant handle boat14+197cm66cm233×158cm533x458cm
Twin elegant back exerciser14+197cm79cm214×130cm514x430cm

Children's Outdoor Equipment Series

Product nameAge(yers)Total HeightDrop HeightMinimum SpaceSafety Zone
Children Elliptical Cros Trainer5-12132cm44cm124x67cm424x370cm
Children Horse Rider5-1297cm60cm87x68cm390x370cm
Children Handle Boat5-12105cm71cm105x77cm410x377cm
Children Waist Twister5-1290cm25cm107x119cm420x407cm
Children Leg Stretch5-1274cm74cm93×81cm395x385cm
Double Amr Strength Trainer5-12103cm/44×37cm345x340cm
Children Mini-Ski5-12103cm54cm108×73cm410x375cm
Children Health Walker5-12112cm56cm107×56cm407x356cm
Children Push Hands5-12118cm/89×103cm405x390cm
Children Double Health Walker5-12112cm56cm202×56cm502x356cm
Children Upper And 5-12 Low Body Warm Up5-12107cm40cm110×53cm410x355cm

Children's Outdoor Equipment Series

Product NameAge(yers)Total HeightDrop HeightMinimum SpaceSafety Zone
Children's Combination Equinment Two5-12132cm56cm627x387cm927x687cm
Children's Combination Equinment One5-12117cm56cm551×172cm852×472cm
Children's Combination Equinment Five5-12132cm56cm331x286cm631x587cm
Children's Combination Equinment Three5-12132cm56cm621×331cm922x631cm
Children's Combination Equinment Six5-12113cm56cm298x97cm599x367cm
Children's Combination Equinment Four5-12132cm56cm654x385cm599x685cm

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